Thursday, March 21, 2013

First nap

We arrived in Delano last night about 11pm. We left Roseau at about 415, after leaving two times and remembering we forgot things, and stopped in Verndale to visit grandma Mary and grandpa Marvin for about 30 minutes. Audrey had been sleeping for about a two hours in the expedition and woke when we got to the rues. She then preceded to stay awake for about an hour before we got her back to bed. Today, Thursday, I stay home with both girls. After a busy morning
playing with ever toy possible it was time to rest. Braylee to her bed and audrey down stairs. Ten minutes later I checked on both girls; somehow braylee snuck right behind me and made her way down stairs into the bed with Audrey. Snuggled into bed together, laughing, I couldn't help but let the me. Cousin love.

I'll be back.

I've decided that I'm coming back to blogging. Since teaching kindergarten this year, I have neglected this log and am wanting to start blogging again to keep track of our family events. I'll be posting a blog shortly about out trip to delano and life.