Sunday, November 21, 2010

5 months

Audrey turned 5 months old yesterday, she is growing up so fast! For her "birthday" she got a new carseat as she has exceeded the weight/length limit for her baby seat. These past weeks have been exhausting in our house. Kenneth started basketball, 2 a day practices AM/PM before and after school, and I've been teaching full time in the 3rd grade for the past weeks.

Audrey at 5 months is loving the taste of veggies: squash, green beans and sweet potatos. She is such a happy baby who still loves waking up in the night time, not every night though. She will sleep through the night for a week straight, and then the next week she is up once or twice a night. When she does wake up it's almost like she is having a bad dream. She wakes up just screaming/crying, it's like she just wants a little drink to calm her back down and then she goes back to sleep right away. She's up for maybe 5 minutes.

She loves her jumperroo, she has discovered JUMPING in it. I have discovered a new love for rocking her to sleep more often now. I was hesitant to do it a month or two ago as I thought she'd get use to it and forgot how to go to bed on her own. Now that I know she can go to sleep on her own, without much fuss at all, I enjoy rocking her to sleep for naps when I am home. I hardly see her during the week, so I said it's okay to do that :)

The picture of Audreys foot how I found her when I woke her up this morning, her foot busted out of her PJ's (size 6-9 month).


Enjoy these pictures.


Monday, November 8, 2010


Audrey has been growing like a weed. Many days I ponder where my little newborn baby went? I have made a promise to myself for the 2nd time around to enjoy getting up at every three hours in the night.  Audrey is loving her oatmeal!

Audrey really enjoys going to volleyball games, see the picture below, she has started practicing at home.

Both Becca and Ruth's team made it to State. This will be the 2nd time they are both at state with their teams, at the same time! Congrats to both of them!

Things Audi enjoys at 4 1/2 months...
- Playing with toys on her belly.
- Her Jumperroo
- Swinging in her swing...even though it goes slower now due to her weight!
- Being outside
- Watching other kids play

