Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Audrey's 4 month check up--

Weight- 16.11 pounds--96.4%
Length- 27 inches long--99.6%
Head- 93%, was at 36% at 2 months

She took her shots like a champ, cried a little while. She thought her dad gave her the shots as she would not look at him for at least 3 minutes.

Audrey also started eating cereal at 4 months. Her pediatrician recommends to start introducing solids between the 5th/6th month, but with Audi's early development and sleeping going backwards (she get's up between 1-3 times a nigh, used to sleep 9 hours straight) she gave us the go-ahead if we wished to start cereal.

Life is good here in Delano.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rolling Over!!

Audi is a rolling machine! [wpvideo o3SXFC2r]


Here is Audrey on Thursday October 7th, 2010 giggling at Grandma Jane. Grandma and Grandpa Evans came down to watch Audrey on Friday while mom and dad worked. [wpvideo 6rKB7mt1]

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Congratulations Matthew and Chantel


Congratulations to Matthew and Chantel Vatnsdal this weekend as they start their new life together!  We enjoyed visiting Marshall and celebrating the marriage. In addition to being a part of your wedding, we also enjoyed spending the weekend with the family that was able to attend.