Thursday, April 28, 2011

Green Grass

Today I sat in the grass outside with Audrey for a half an hour and just enjoyed the weather. We played with her bubble machine too. Audrey has learned at daycare not to eat the grass I think...because every time she had a handful of grass, she handed it to me. :) Audrey is 10 months old. She is sleeping great again, she had gone backwards for a while. She crawls both ways. Wants nothing to do with standing...which is okay with me! She eats baby foot and big people food. She can sign more and bubbles. But now that she knows both of them, she sometimes get's them mixed up. She LOVES baths so I think she will LOVE the lake this summer. Today, Audrey went to her first track meet (at Delano).

We had a wonderful Easter with the Runyan family in Verndale. We missed Emily and Eric and their girls..but look forward to see them in July.

 I will post pictures soon. I haven't been blogging much lately, will try to work on it!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Colorado Trip 2: Success

I guess you could say, Audrey is becoming a world traveling. In a matter of 10 days Audrey flew to Colorado, back to the cities and then drove to Roseau with me. We (Sam, Jane, Audrey and I) went to Colorado to play with Cousin Jack, Auntie Carrie, and Uncle Andy. Jack was had his Baptism on Sunday....which we learned a few things. The baptism ended up being really funny. Jack ended up getting his first tooth a few days later., which explains why was a little off during the ceremony.  We also learned Audrey likes to be heard in ALL places...inducing church. I ended up walking around or letting her crawl around the whole time during the baptism, until she passed out in my arms. We had a great time in Colorado, it's so beautiful there. So many walking paths, hiking paths and things to see. Audrey even went down her first slide while in Colorado. The plane ride went amazing smooth, again. Audrey slept the whole time on the plane...good planning by Grandma Jane to schedule the flight during her nap time! Audrey discovered on this trip she can play a game with Grandpa Sam. She pretends she is scared of him, until he gives her something good (pancakes or apple juice). Then she is his best friend!!! What a smarty!

Once we returned to Minnesota we had a few days at home with dad then off to Roseau Audrey and I went. Auntie Heidi was having her Pampered Chef Bridal Party....what fun! A double bonus as we got to see some family we haven't seen for some time!  I was able to spend some quality time with some old high school friends/best friends! My jaw hadn't hurt that bad in a long time from laughing, smiling and reminiscing about the all the good times.

The little girl, Maddie (flower girl in my wedding), who I used to babysit, babysat Audrey while we were home! It was a bitter sweet does time fly by so quickly that Maddie is almost a 7th grade?

Audrey is getting cuter and cuter every single day! Her hair is growing in, she now has 6 teeth...she loves table food. She will still eat baby food, but is enjoying discovering other food. Her balance is coming along, not standing by herself more than 2 seconds. Walking along everything!! She has FINALLY slept through the night 2 straight nights...after some "sleep training" we did. She had been getting up at night consistently 2 or 3 times a night for the past 2 months!! She typically takes 1 long nap a day for about 2-3 hours.
