Wednesday, December 22, 2010

6 month check up

Today Audrey had her 6 month check up, I'd say this was her least favorite appointment! She was a perfect little baby the first half, then she realized she didn't recognize the doctor and cried the rest of the time. Poor girl, I felt bad she was crying so hard!

Here are her vitals..

Weight:  20 pounds 13 oz (99%)
Length: 28 inches  (99%)
Head Circumference: 93%
Weight for Length: 86%

It should be an interesting day as we are giving Audrey her first pair of wings and going in an airplane today. We are off to Colorado to meet Cousin Jack, Aunt Carrie and Uncle Andy.

Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Is it here yet?

I'm utterly excited for next week as it's my last week student teaching! It's been a good experience, but a LONG one. I find myself pondering why we have been blessed with such a happy girl? Audrey you have like 20 happy days to 1 not so happy day and even that not so happy day is pretty darn good!

Audrey has found her lower lip and enjoys eating it. She enjoys sitting in her high chair and playing with toys. She is going to be some kind of jumper if she keeps jumping like she does in the jumperroo.


Short and Sweet for now. Enjoy the pictures.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Audrey at 4 1/2 months

[wpvideo hcjskdGe]


December is here and my oh my do we have so many things to be blessed for. We are blessed for our little family, that we are all healthy and happy. Another thing we are blessed for is that I have landed my first "real" teaching job since I went back to school. Yahoo! The job is a Long Term Sub position that will last for 12 weeks at Delano Elementary School in Early Childhood Special Education. Kenneth is coaching 9th grade basketball and his team is a whopping 2-0, go Knights!

Yesterday (12/4) we went on an adventure with the Rues to explore, Delano's Old Fashion Christmas. We went on a tractor ride, listen to Elvis/Santa and Elfts sing, stood by a campfire outside, went to a craftsale and enjoyed the outdoors!

Audrey, at 5 1/2 months, you are showing us how smart you are! When we lay you down for a nap, you will cry until we come back in there to pick you up. But little girl, you need sleep so you can grow, play and learn!



You love to drool, but show no signs of teeth.

You love to stand and jump with mom and dads help, but you refuse to practice sitting up on your own.

Your favorite veggie is Squash which mom wouldn't even try.

You don't like to poop, but yet you never seem uncomfortable (sorry TMI).


We are very excited for December 22nd. It will be Audreys 6th month check up and then her first time flying on an airplane to meet her cousin Jack Jonathan Evans. It will be a quick trip, but we will enjoy every minute of it!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

5 months

Audrey turned 5 months old yesterday, she is growing up so fast! For her "birthday" she got a new carseat as she has exceeded the weight/length limit for her baby seat. These past weeks have been exhausting in our house. Kenneth started basketball, 2 a day practices AM/PM before and after school, and I've been teaching full time in the 3rd grade for the past weeks.

Audrey at 5 months is loving the taste of veggies: squash, green beans and sweet potatos. She is such a happy baby who still loves waking up in the night time, not every night though. She will sleep through the night for a week straight, and then the next week she is up once or twice a night. When she does wake up it's almost like she is having a bad dream. She wakes up just screaming/crying, it's like she just wants a little drink to calm her back down and then she goes back to sleep right away. She's up for maybe 5 minutes.

She loves her jumperroo, she has discovered JUMPING in it. I have discovered a new love for rocking her to sleep more often now. I was hesitant to do it a month or two ago as I thought she'd get use to it and forgot how to go to bed on her own. Now that I know she can go to sleep on her own, without much fuss at all, I enjoy rocking her to sleep for naps when I am home. I hardly see her during the week, so I said it's okay to do that :)

The picture of Audreys foot how I found her when I woke her up this morning, her foot busted out of her PJ's (size 6-9 month).


Enjoy these pictures.


Monday, November 8, 2010


Audrey has been growing like a weed. Many days I ponder where my little newborn baby went? I have made a promise to myself for the 2nd time around to enjoy getting up at every three hours in the night.  Audrey is loving her oatmeal!

Audrey really enjoys going to volleyball games, see the picture below, she has started practicing at home.

Both Becca and Ruth's team made it to State. This will be the 2nd time they are both at state with their teams, at the same time! Congrats to both of them!

Things Audi enjoys at 4 1/2 months...
- Playing with toys on her belly.
- Her Jumperroo
- Swinging in her swing...even though it goes slower now due to her weight!
- Being outside
- Watching other kids play



Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Audrey's 4 month check up--

Weight- 16.11 pounds--96.4%
Length- 27 inches long--99.6%
Head- 93%, was at 36% at 2 months

She took her shots like a champ, cried a little while. She thought her dad gave her the shots as she would not look at him for at least 3 minutes.

Audrey also started eating cereal at 4 months. Her pediatrician recommends to start introducing solids between the 5th/6th month, but with Audi's early development and sleeping going backwards (she get's up between 1-3 times a nigh, used to sleep 9 hours straight) she gave us the go-ahead if we wished to start cereal.

Life is good here in Delano.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rolling Over!!

Audi is a rolling machine! [wpvideo o3SXFC2r]


Here is Audrey on Thursday October 7th, 2010 giggling at Grandma Jane. Grandma and Grandpa Evans came down to watch Audrey on Friday while mom and dad worked. [wpvideo 6rKB7mt1]

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Congratulations Matthew and Chantel


Congratulations to Matthew and Chantel Vatnsdal this weekend as they start their new life together!  We enjoyed visiting Marshall and celebrating the marriage. In addition to being a part of your wedding, we also enjoyed spending the weekend with the family that was able to attend.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Big week! Then backwards we go!


It's been a big week at the Hayden household. On Sunday September 26th, 2010 Audrey rolled over for the first time, belly to back. I believe it was completely on accident, but she did it! Today, September 29th, 2010, was also the first time Audrey had any interest in playing with the toys hanging from her activity mat.

Now for the backwards part....little Miss. Audrey is doing great at child care with taking naps. At home she has changed. Lately her thing is to wake up during the night once (she had been sleeping through the night for a while now) and then she doesn't want to take a nap in the evenings anymore. :) But life is still good!

I've been on an apple kick lately!  This week I've made apple crisp and now tonight I'm trying a new apple cake with warm butter sauce! 

Monday, September 27, 2010


[wpvideo L3S2iOAq]
Here are some videos of Audrey at 3 months old.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Welcome back to fall! Our little family has been busy adjusting back into the groove of school. Audrey has been adjusting to child care at Wendy's great! I wake her up each morning at 6 oclock to eat and get dressed, she decides to stay awake and play with me until it's time to leave. Once we are on our way to Wendy's she falls back asleep for another hour or two. This week is the first week Audrey has been taking naps on her own during the day (putting herself to sleep if we lay her in the crib). Audrey has been a rockstar sleeper at night, she typically sleeps from 8:30/9:30pm- until I wake her up at 6.

Audrey has been to 15+ volleyball games between Delano/Ada/Thief River Falls games. A lady at the game last night commented on how well she was doing at the game. I replied, "she has no choice to like this sport or not."

School has been going excellent for both Kenneth and I. We both are commuting about 25 minutes to work. I'm at Waconia this fall, doing some student teaching. I decided while I have the time and energy now to add my Elementary license as well, so I needed to do some more student teaching in 3rd grade. Come May time, I will have three different licensures. Wow. I don't think I ever thought in my wildest dreams, one day I'd have three college degrees! What will I go to school for next :) (I already know :) ). HA!

Kenneth is enjoying STMA! He has also taken on the role of announcer and score keeper at the Delano Volleyball games! He is taking after his father!!!

Hope all is well~


Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

We have enjoyed our weekend with post sets of parents down in Delano. We of course had to have a tournament of bean bag toss, Kenneth & I won! I will admit I was on fire like never before! Here are some pictures from the weekend. We took Sam to the Minnesota Twins game on Sunday for his birthday. We even got to watch an old timer game, which included some of the greatest twins players!  We even got some cool hats, check them out :)


Sunday, August 22, 2010


We are so blessed for how great Audrey has been sleeping! The past couple of nights shes been sleeping from 8:30pm until about 5:00am! I have waken up a few times, checking to see what time it is and I'm amazed she hasn't woken to eat yet! We are thankful this is happening now rather than later as school starts in another week or two!

She also has her first day of child care tomorrow at Wendy's. She is going for 3 or 4 hours tomorrow, we are easing into it. I would feel so bad to leave her with a complete stranger for a full day!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Today Audrey had her first real tears when she was crying for her bottle...tomorrow she has her shots so I'm guessing we will see more :( Not cute!

She has also put herself to bed on her own, 2 of the past 3 nights...she might be on to something?!!

Fish Trap Weekend

We enjoyed our family weekend at Mark and Margs cabin on Fish Trap lake. The weekend vacation started on Friday with a golf scramble (which both Ken and I participated in), my team got 2nd and Ken's team got 3rd! The team lefties won (they had all the experienced golfers on it). After golfing we headed back to the cabin for supper, volleyball games and the football fantasy draft (I got a great team! I'll tell you this fall how it all plays out...).

On Saturday we woke up, head breakfast, hung out around the cabin/on the beach/fishing/volleyball and then went out on the lake for some tubing! We had a delcious supper and then had a bean bag tournament and enjoyed the campfire!

On Sunday we played more games...volleyball, bean bags...visited and had to say goodbye to all the Runyan family! Audrey also smiled at Grandma Ruth for a good 5 seconds on Sunday morning, the day she turned 8 weeks.
