Wednesday, December 22, 2010

6 month check up

Today Audrey had her 6 month check up, I'd say this was her least favorite appointment! She was a perfect little baby the first half, then she realized she didn't recognize the doctor and cried the rest of the time. Poor girl, I felt bad she was crying so hard!

Here are her vitals..

Weight:  20 pounds 13 oz (99%)
Length: 28 inches  (99%)
Head Circumference: 93%
Weight for Length: 86%

It should be an interesting day as we are giving Audrey her first pair of wings and going in an airplane today. We are off to Colorado to meet Cousin Jack, Aunt Carrie and Uncle Andy.

Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Is it here yet?

I'm utterly excited for next week as it's my last week student teaching! It's been a good experience, but a LONG one. I find myself pondering why we have been blessed with such a happy girl? Audrey you have like 20 happy days to 1 not so happy day and even that not so happy day is pretty darn good!

Audrey has found her lower lip and enjoys eating it. She enjoys sitting in her high chair and playing with toys. She is going to be some kind of jumper if she keeps jumping like she does in the jumperroo.


Short and Sweet for now. Enjoy the pictures.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Audrey at 4 1/2 months

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December is here and my oh my do we have so many things to be blessed for. We are blessed for our little family, that we are all healthy and happy. Another thing we are blessed for is that I have landed my first "real" teaching job since I went back to school. Yahoo! The job is a Long Term Sub position that will last for 12 weeks at Delano Elementary School in Early Childhood Special Education. Kenneth is coaching 9th grade basketball and his team is a whopping 2-0, go Knights!

Yesterday (12/4) we went on an adventure with the Rues to explore, Delano's Old Fashion Christmas. We went on a tractor ride, listen to Elvis/Santa and Elfts sing, stood by a campfire outside, went to a craftsale and enjoyed the outdoors!

Audrey, at 5 1/2 months, you are showing us how smart you are! When we lay you down for a nap, you will cry until we come back in there to pick you up. But little girl, you need sleep so you can grow, play and learn!



You love to drool, but show no signs of teeth.

You love to stand and jump with mom and dads help, but you refuse to practice sitting up on your own.

Your favorite veggie is Squash which mom wouldn't even try.

You don't like to poop, but yet you never seem uncomfortable (sorry TMI).


We are very excited for December 22nd. It will be Audreys 6th month check up and then her first time flying on an airplane to meet her cousin Jack Jonathan Evans. It will be a quick trip, but we will enjoy every minute of it!