Monday, March 21, 2011

Audrey- 9 Months old



You are our world, it amazes me how you change every single day! Every minute you are doing something new and changing every day. Today we had your 9 month check are your stats...

Weight: 23.8 pounds (98%)

Length: 29 inches (91%)

This past week you started trying some table food, which you have loved all of it! You've tried macorine and cheese, cheese slices, go-gurt and tonight you tried green beans with cheese on them. You are not intrested in sippy cups yet, but love to drink water out of a water bottle. Some of your new tricks include...standing up in your crib, pulling yourself up on anything (couch, people, toys, bathrub, chairs..ect), you still do the army crawl (I don't think you will do the normal crawl), and love your stroller rides already! You enjoy your jumperroo sometimes. You are a happy baby! When you get fussy, you need something. I'm trying to teach you baby sign, but you just look at me. I've had to tell you "no" twice, and you cried with tears both times. You hated going outside for a while, until Wendy discovered you hate your snowpants. Therefore we just put wool socks on your legs and you loved being outside with the kids at daycare (you play in the exersauser). You wave bye bye to me at daycare, when I leave. You love Wendy, you reach out for her every morning. Today you went to daycar3 with your cousins, and you are SOO lucky to have cousins who protect you! Hayden told me "I took really good care of her." He also told him mom, "I wouldn't let "this boy" pull her hair, I had to tell him to stop pulling Braylee's hair one time." Audrey you'r a doll and a blessing to us. I can't imagine where we'd be in life with out.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Audrey is getting busier by the day. I found a really cute quote in this book I was reading to Audrey tonight, I will post it later. This past weekend we had my parents and my sister here. We had a great weekend!!!!!! I will show pictures later. We got together with my moms college roomate, and her family. Her daughter also had a baby last spring, named Hazel. It was fun to see them again! Oh yeah, I've also started making some baby crafts. If you know anyone who needs a baby gift or looking for a baby gift I might have the perfect thing for you. I've started making burp cloths, changing pad covers and baby girl head bands. :) Ken said I need to start selling them or else I need to quiet making so many! :) He's so smart, love that man! I have one week left at my long term sub job and then I will be filling another maternity leave at Delano. We have praying that I can find a job somewhere for this fall, I'm hopefully that our dream may come true. Peace out for now, Audrey is almost 9 months old![wpvideo xHjgaMYQ]
Practicing her baseball skills


Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 6th, 2011

Time is flying, and it's only going to go faster! We have a very busy end of March, April & May! The best part is last, Heidi's Wedding is the last weekend in May. Audrey's newest trick is that she can pull her self up, all the way onto her feet! She got a new toy from her cousins (Hayden & Braylee), check out the pictures. She now has 4 teeth with more on the way! We are looking forward to a fun weekend with my parents and sister this coming weekend. You will also see a hand print art project I had to make for a class I'm in, it turned out really cool! I did Audrey's hand-prints, Kenneth's hand-prints and mine.
